
Our Wednesday League afternoons finished on a sunny but breezy Wednesday afternoon on 11 September 2024. Before play started Club President Norman Arnold announced the results of the competition for this season. He then presented trophies to Terry Elston who had won the Men’s competition and to Sue Hearne who had won the Ladies Competition.

The full results for this year are:

Men’s Competition

  • 1st Terry Elston 32 points
  • 2nd Alan Dickens 31 points
  • 3rd Ian Wood and Phil Griffiths on 29 points

Ladies Competition

  • 1st Sue Hearne 21 points
  • 2nd Sue Wood 18 points
  • 3rd Sylvia Pink 10 points

The Wednesday League Competition this year was played over 19 Wednesdays with players drawing for rinks and teams each week. Players score 3 points for being in a winning team, 2 points for a drawn game and 1 point for being in a losing team. All Club players are welcome to attend on any Wednesday and the afternoons are very friendly and ideal for beginners. We intend to repeat this successful format next season when Terry Elston and Ian Wood will run the competition afternoons.