The very successful Junior Section was set up many years ago by Sid and The late Joy Steele.  The section soon became the envy of many Dorset Clubs.  Sid and Joy were awarded  The Unsung Hero Award from Bowls England in 2022 after Joys sad passing. They started coaching in 2012 four Juniors.  Their style, incorporating fun games for all ages from five through to eighteen soon had The Green awash with many new juniors.  Through this manner of coaching many juniors progressed to being fine bowlers winning County prizes.  Last season saw Millie Tuck win a National Award of which The Club is very proud.  Sid and his loyal helpers who are all checked for child safety etc. Bring fun and variety to Saturday mornings and is very popular.  Please enquire by email or just turn up on a Saturday at 09.30 till 1 pm and have a go.